Modding: Research & replace game assets


WolvenKit allows reading and writing nearly every REDEngine file format to some extent. It can also be used to create file modifications to the assets of the game, though this is currently beign actively worked upon.


In game Modding


Immersive Role Playing is an hibrid between mod/framework that lets you make your own custom content, - Scrip Execution Engine - In Game Editor - Custom Quests - Gang Wars - Flying AV - Metro Service - Taxi mission and service - Crew Command Manager - Housing Development Manager.

What's is interesting in the Narrative modding related is to being able to do your own quest. Custom scriptable phone conversation will also be supported but at the moment Oct. 2021 we need to wait to future iterations.


Synthetic Voices

Now, we know we need to make the characters talk to be more Immersive so here is a list of some tools to make their voices

VA Synth

xVASynth is an AI based app for creating new voice lines using neural speech synthesis. The app loads models individually trained on character voice data from games. The app gives users control over details such as pitch and durations of individual letters to provide control over emotion and emphasis.

Personally, is one of the best softwares of AI voices, and it's completely free, for cyberpunk there are some models you can download and they work pretty well.

I have to thank to Walrus420 for the shotout of this one :)



Tacotron 2, is a voice synthesis model made by NVIDIA it can be trained to imitate someone's voice.

Now if you want to use this, you'll need to know that this isn't a user friendly interface but it still very easy to.

There are some stuff you need to know about it, so better look for a tutorial before try it.

Train in Google Collab platform:

Synthetize in Google Collab platform:


Quest & Wold Editors

Not available... yet